Friday, November 4, 2011

a stictch in time saves nine......

I recently had the opportunity to peek at this book, it is a delightfully illustrated reminder of days of yore. Taking me on a journey of women who use to pause prior to throwing away a ripped sock or torn dress.  It invokes simpler time when we did nto run to malls or shopping center, rather ran to our sewing baskets.........


Tonya Gunn said...

Thank you for sharing - it sounds like something I would enjoy.

Jennifer Gregory Miller said...

I ordered it when I saw it on Alice Cantrell's site. I have another book on mending which is think is helpful for modern fabrics, "Mend It!" by Maureen Goldsworthy. It's helpful to get into a habit of mending. We're in such a throw-away society, aren't we?